The Crudeness of the Reptilian Salesman | RDI Lead Generation

The Crudeness of the Reptilian Salesman

Sales and marketing intellectuals with audiences of envious volume are talking about gaining new customers by not interrupting them. Interruption is a thing of the past. You must apply your efforts towards “hand raisers”. In these digital times, they emphasize, old methods are dying. The death of direct marketing may be overstated but there is…

B2B Lead Gen Through Motivation and Inspiration | RDI Business Development

B2B Lead Gen Through Motivation and Inspiration

Quality lead generation depends upon motivation as well as inspiration. There is a difference. Motivation is a reason for behavior and inspiration is a catalyst for creativity. Motivation is often used in competitive situations and competition itself can be an excellent motivator. Inspiration is often more aligned with the arts than business but successful businesses…

Sales Humiliation | RDI Business Development

Sales Humiliation

The humiliation involved in sales is something I have alluded to previously, mainly while speaking about the apprehension people have about making cold calls. But putting yourself in any position where you may be rejected means that you will eventually be rejected and therefore humiliated. Some salespeople say that they don’t care if people hang…